Now-a-days,there are many business internet providers today and each of them claims to have a good internet speed. But here what does a good internet speed really mean? It is time to look at what it entails to make sure you have exactly what you need.
Probably,you have run internet speed tests in your home or business and received information about your upload speed, download speed, ping, packet loss, latency issues, physical connection problems and other details.These are all factors determine if your ISP is providing good internet speed or not. You should need to get to the heart of the matter, you should first look at Mbps or megabits per second.
What is a good Mbps?
Generally, the speed of your internet connection is measured in Mbps. In fact, 1,000 Mbps is equal to one Gbps or Gigabit per second. Let's understand that the faster the transmission of packets from the web to your computer or phone, the bigger the Mbps. To get a good Mbps, choose your ISP and internet package depending on what you want to do with the internet. Also the bandwidth of your internet connection is mainly affected by your network demand and the infrastructure quality of the ISP. It is the bandwidth that you subscribe to is usually shared by all the devices in your home or business and it reduces as you add more devices.
Here Internet speed tests, a good place to start one of the first things you should do when determining what you need, is to figure out where you are today. This internet speed test can tell you what your current system is allowing. You can take this net speed test and then compare your numbers with those below.
Here’s a bit of an idea to know... How much net speed is enough?
An Internet speed of just 1 Mbps is enough for you if you use the internet for general web browsing, social media connection, and streaming compressed music such as MP3 audio and emailing. But in case if you want to stream content, 2 Mbps is good for streaming SD quality video and lossless music, 3 Mbps is good for standard quality videos and 5 Mbps is good for streaming high-definition videos. And for those who want full HD video and audio streaming, 10 Mbps internet connection is enough.
Also you can also improve your streaming experience by using a high-end dual router. But if you intend to use your internet for heavy downloads, it will consume a lot of bandwidth and you will need to subscribe to a package of over 50 Mbps. According to reports, some people prefer to download big files at night since the overall network demand is low and the internet speed might be faster than what you subscribed for.
Internet speed for your business
You need to consider several factors for your business. There are several factors such as one is how many employees you have and what each employee demands from online use. Also,Do employees need to download large data sets or do backups? Do employees have to connect to the business network remotely? So then you need to consider your system demands from your equipment. For example, do you have a VoIP phone system from a business VoIP service provider that is also using an internet connection? Eventually, it is important to consider the type of business you are and what internet needs you have overall. Also consider if your business offering live streaming of events or hosting live video conference calls may require more speed and bandwidth.
There is higher need for speed for businesses relying on the internet
There are many media and entertainment businesses depend heavily on the internet being fast at their fingertips. Such an example of a business that may need much more internet capacity is an online gaming company. But when it comes to online gaming, your internet connection usually affects each user’s gaming experience. Here each gaming site has its own requirements depending on the size of the web page and the number of plugins. But in general, you will need at least 1 Mbps for single player games. Some games which requires multiple players games will need a better internet connection such as 10 Mbps or more depending on the number of players. In this, a company who creates, reviews, or hosts online gaming would need to take all of this into consideration.
What is a good upload speed?
Good upload speed determines how quick you can transfer files and other content from your phone or computer to the web. It means upload speed is usually the second number that is indicated after the download speed. There are most ISPs have smaller upload speeds as compared to the download speed. Consider if you are someone who likes sharing videos, images, and audio files online on regular basis, or if these activities are a part of your business, you need a good upload speed to avoid wasting time.
What is a good download speed?
Good download speed refers to how quickly you can download content from the web to your phone or computer machine. There is a higher download speed can enable you to stream videos without flickering. This will also enable you to download huge files and other media content in a short period of time.
To get good internet speed,choose an internet service provider depending on your internet demand to avoid paying for excess internet or subscribing to slow connections. Also a frequent file-sharer or downloader should go for higher upload and download speeds to enjoy the services. In case of businesses ,businesses should consider their overall internet and communication systems together. Also you need to find a trusted partner who can explain the technology and offer custom, affordable solutions to your needs.
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